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jonny wrote:
<blockquote cite="midp06240800c3163dd9f09d@%5B71.237.155.74%5D"
type="cite">Success! Thank you for two approaches.
As it turned out, using the power button on an apple cinema provided a
way for me to get this puppy up and running. I went through several
routines of unplugging, battery out, PMU switch held for 8 seconds,
machine rested for an hour, battery back in, power cord. So it was
good to learn and may have helped overall.
I also ordered the CD - "REPAIR & UPGRADE Manuals for Apple
PowerMac G3 G4 G5" from ebay (about $10.50 delivered), suggested by
<I must have deleted the email, sorry> which will be a good
resource as I learn about this machine...and enjoy it. It's pretty
Many thanks!
Save $10.50!<br>
<div><a href="http://home.earthlink.net/%7Estrahm_s/manuals.html">http://home.earthlink.net/~strahm_s/manuals.html</a></div>
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