[G5] High Speed Fans

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Thu Oct 7 11:49:31 PDT 2004

>   Over the last couple of weeks I have been noticing a problem. I leave 
> my G5 on all the time and access it from my ibooks. A few times I have 
> awoken in the morning to find the G5 locked up with all the fans going.
>   This used to happen about once a month. Now it is sometimes twice a 
> week.
> It might be a coincidence but it seems to be more frequent since the 2 
> Firmware upgrades.
> Anyone else see this or know of a cause?
> G5 SP1.6 256M
> OS X 10.3.5

I see it sometimes on a G5 2x2 w/1.5GB RAM running 10.3.5.  I think it's
happened about 3-5 times total since I got the system last November.  I've
had it happened while crunching video for DVD Studio Pro a couple times, and
the other 2-3 times it's been sitting idle.

I find it *VERY* disturbing.  Basically it seems like the CPU's are running
full out and the fans are trying to keep the system cool.  The one time it
did it with no one around it seemed to have heated the room up by the time I
discovered it.

This is one of reasons I put the G5 to sleep when we're not using it.


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