[G5] Applecare

Mark Gibson gibsonm at bigpond.net.au
Sun Oct 10 17:43:14 PDT 2004

At 20:22 -0400 10/10/04, Jerry Bunn wrote:
>I just bought a new dual 2.5 Ghz and have sold the G4 to my ex.  My 
>question is this, does anyone know if Applecare Protection Plan is 
>transferrable and if so, how do you go about transferring it to the 
>computer's new owner?
>G5 mailing list
>G5 at listserver.themacintoshguy.com


Well here in Aust you just ring Apple and tell them the new owner and 
then follow it up with a signed letter or Fax listing the details of 
the new owner.


Mark (}-:

Skype / AIM / iChat: gibsonm1

"One OS to rule them all, one OS to find them,
One OS to bring them all and in the darkness bind them,
In the land of Redmond, where the shadows lie."

Apologies to J.R.R.T  ;^D

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