[HM] Re: digital camera summary

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Mon Dec 9 18:19:37 PST 2002

--- At Mon, 9 Dec 2002 17:04:15 -0800, Jane Sprando wrote:

>Duane, the suggestion to buy several 32 mg cards was because they are cheap
>and if you accidentally erase one or it goes bad, then you won't lose all
>your pictures.

Are they that cheap? Here is a quick chart per megabyte for CF Cards
(from Kingston):

 MB    Price    $/MB
  32	  $28.00 	 $0.88 
  64	  $36.00 	 $0.56 
 128	  $65.00 	 $0.51 
 256	 $112.00 	 $0.44 
 512	 $279.00 	 $0.54 
1024	 $756.00 	 $0.74 

Although loosing pictures -is- a possibility. I almost lost pictures
twice. Once to a camera/computer error and once to user error. I was able
to recover all of the pictures using an OS/X program called PhotoRescue

It doesnt have the prettiest interface in the world, but it sure saved my

>> --- At Sun, 8 Dec 2002 21:52:21 -0800, Jane Sprando wrote:
>>> Thanks to all of you for your comments on digital cameras. Here is a
>>> that I have complied from all the notes. (It has helped me to organize the
>>> advice, too!) We have been to several stores and this week is decision
>>> I would welcome any comments or corrections that you have!
>> [ ... ]
>>> Suggestions:
>> [ ...]
>>> Several 32 mg memory cards
>> I dont really understand this one. Why several? I use a 96MB memory card
>> that can do almost 400 2M pictures and almost 200 3M pictures. With
>> prices the way they are today, I would consider a 512M card.
>> Is there some advantage to several small cards that I'm missing?


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