[HM] Logitech cordless mouse

Stan Gould stan at stangould.com
Fri Dec 27 06:19:26 PST 2002

Take it back. I too, tried the cordless mouse. Sometimes it worked, 
sometimes it did not. Very unreliable. All efforts to make it work 
failed. I now use a Logitech optical mouse that is not cordless -- 
works great.


At 6:08 AM -0600 12/27/02, Denise wrote:
>Greetings of the Season, All!
>Since my Apple ProMouse died, my husband was sweet enough to get me a new
>mouse for Christmas (he, who can barely retrieve email!),  He went to
>OfficeMax, and made sure that it was Mac compatible, then hoped he had done
>I got a Logitech cordless optical mouse-MX700 model.  I am using an ibook
>with Mac OS 9.0.4.  The software installed fine, and the whole thing worked
>great for a day. Now I cannot get it to repond.  The trouble seemed to begin
>after the ibook was removed from the desk, and the mouse cradle area, for a
>I tried checking the Logitech website to make sure the Mouseware was the
>latest version (it was), trashing the Mouse prefs and restarting, removing
>the software and reinstalling it, unplugging the charger unit and plugging
>it back in. 
>It does not seem to "connect" when I push the connect button on the charger,
>and then on the underside of the mouse.
>The help on the CD, and the FAQs on the Logitech site do not seem to be of
>use, since I still cannot get it to work.  I am thinking about returning it
>when my husband gets back from his camping trip (I don't know where he has
>the receipt).  Any other suggestions?

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