[HM] Original iMac System Software Missing

T. Brown / groucho btgroucho at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 30 20:23:23 PST 2002

On Monday, December 30, 2002, at 04:49  PM, Jay Friedland wrote:

> 2) After going back to only the single board of original memory, the 
> iMac had the question mark file on opening.

Try resetting the CUDA switch. It's on the motherboard near to the 
battery. Hold it in for 15 seconds.

> After trying Disk Warrior and a bootable 9.1 CD, neither booted the 
> computer.

Could be you didn't connect the CD drive cables fully. It's tricky on 
the Rev D iMac.

> Anyway to tell what the original problem could be with the memory 
> failing to start (PC100 and correct fit)?

How much ram did you start out with ?
Seating ram in those iMacs is tricky as well. It seems like it is in 
but may actually be in backwards or not fully seated.


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