[HM] Re: Digital camera...

TeeGate TeeGate at comcast.net
Thu Nov 28 16:49:05 PST 2002


On my camera if I turn off the LCD Monitor and the flash, it will 
according to the manual shoot 2.5 images per second. Obviously you 
would need to have these off to get a spontaneous shot, but you still 
can get off quite a few shots in a short amount of time.


On Thursday, November 28, 2002, at 03:47  PM, David Crandon wrote:

> I haven't been following the whole thread, but here's another
> consideration if it hasn't been mentioned yet.
> The delay between pressing the shutter button and when the cameral
> actually snaps the picture. If you take posed shots all the time, this
> really doesn't matter. But if you take spontaneous photos (which in my
> opinion are infinitely more interesting) this is a huge consideration.
> With a traditional non-autofocus 35mm SLR, when you press the shutter
> button, the picture is taken instantaneously. With an autofocus SLR or 
> a
> good compact autofocus 35mm, you may get a delay of a half second or 
> so.
> This is still OK for spontaneous pictures, although it can be too slow
> for action shots.
> With many of todays digital camera's, there can actually be a several
> second delay. This can ruin spontaneous shots, and make the camera
> useless for action pictures.
> Sometimes manufactures will disclose this delay, sometimes it's part of
> camera reviews. Interestingly, price does not seem to have a bearing 
> on this.

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