[HM] Re: screen goes dark and never comes back

John switlik at cox.net
Tue Apr 1 18:00:15 PST 2003

I too, have this problem - very annoying. Have had it in OS 9.x, Os X 
10.1 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.3, 10.2.4 and some other OS iterations I may 
have left out of the litany. Machines are G4/450 and iMac 450DV.  
Unplugging the damn thing is the only remedy I've found. So far, I 
haven't experienced it in my new 1.42 DP (knock on wood).


On Tuesday, Apr 1, 2003, at 17:10 US/Pacific, Alexia Johnston wrote:

> both my daughter and I have this problem but we are just unplugging 
> computer and starting it up again.  Lexi
> On Sunday, March 30, 2003, at 08:08 PM, Chris Beamis wrote:
>> I'm going to post this to multiple Mac lists so apologies in advance 
>> to those of us
>> signed up to more than one of them.
>> I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem.  I've got a dual 
>> 866MHz G4
>> purchased in early Noremember 2002, running OS X 10.2.4.  For quite a 
>> while
>> now, maybe even since I purchased it, about every 3rd or 4th time the 
>> screensaver
>> software kicks in I can't get the monitor to display afterwords.  
>> This happens
>> both when only the screen saver only is activated, and when the whole 
>> machine
>> goes to sleep.  I come back to the machine, and touch some keyboard 
>> keys and
>> wiggle the mouse but the monitor remains dark.  Pressing and holding 
>> the
>> power button is the only cure.
>>   It has been fairly annoying so far but I'm now getting a lot more 
>> annoyed because
>> it seems to happen more frequently.  It just now did it to me in the 
>> middle of a
>> long compile, so I had to let the machine sit for a while in the 
>> hopes that the
>> compile was still going.  I eventually pressed the power button, and 
>> upon getting
>> back in discovered that the compile had not finished, not that I 
>> could tell
>> before rebooting.
>> Any ideas whats wrong?
>> Thanks,
>> Chris Beamis
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