[HM] Re: screen goes dark and never comes back

Ruby Appling wappling at tampabay.rr.com
Wed Apr 2 01:07:14 PST 2003

RE: unplugging a running machine can be harmful, is better to push the 
power button and hold until machine shuts off on those ocasions when 
everything screws up,also to wake my machine from sleep I must use the 
space key. also recheck you power saver, there are several options 
includeing hardrive shutdown,causeing very slow restart hope this helps 
you find the problem

On Tuesday, April 1, 2003, at 08:10  PM, Alexia Johnston wrote:

> both my daughter and I have this problem but we are just unplugging 
> computer and starting it up again.  Lexi
> On Sunday, March 30, 2003, at 08:08 PM, Chris Beamis wrote:

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