[HM] Tweaking Open Transport

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Fri Apr 11 23:28:28 PDT 2003

--- At Fri, 11 Apr 2003 22:05:16 -0700, Thom Holland wrote:

>Hey all,
>Has anyone successfully tweaked Open Transport to get more speed through 
>their cable modem?

You might try looking at IPNetTuner(X) from Sustainable Softworks <http:/
/www.sustworks.com/>. I havent played with it much but it can help you
tune the networking parameters to get more speed. I think you'll be
pleasantly surprised that you might not be able to get much more speed.
OpenTransport is pretty good. But it would be worth a try to see if it
can make a difference.


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