[HM] Re: B&W G3 speed question in the last three days. Well here are my findings.

Leon Sargent Jr. Leon.Sargent5 at verizon.net
Fri Feb 14 06:39:01 PST 2003

On Friday, February 14, 2003, at 09:35  AM, Nevin Steindam wrote:

> You know the long pause
> (accompanied by loud disk reads) that you get when you switch to a 
> program
> that you haven't used in a little while?  That's caused by the system
> needing to move lots of cached memory back into RAM.  You may get 
> little
> effects like that sometimes, just switching between windows or 
> something
> like that.  If that happens often enough to be annoying, then more RAM 
> will
> fix it.

Yeah this is my problem.  I have another 256 meg arriving by Fedex 


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