[HM] Re: Internet Explorer and Cookies

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Wed Feb 19 22:54:05 PST 2003

--- At Wed, 19 Feb 2003 21:19:11 -0800, Chris Beamis wrote:

>This bring to mind a question I've been meaning to ask for a while:
>I used to run a linux system, and I solved the cookie problem by
>making the cookies file into a symbolic link to /dev/null
>I wanted to do that with OS X using IE5.2, but I can't find the cookies
>file anywhere.  Does anyone know where that file is?  I tried
>find . -iname "*cook*" -print
>but it doesn't find anything.  Also, do you think I gained anything
>by sym-linking to /dev/null, or is it equally effective to just rm
>the cookies file?

Why are you working so hard? There is a preference in IE to just never
accept cookies. Pretty much covers it. Of course, you'll be hard pressed
to surf at all these days.


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