[HM] Re: email

Bruce Klutchko klutch at erols.com
Wed Jan 8 08:53:22 PST 2003

The way it works is you give your bigfoot address as your main email address
to everybody. Then you tell it where to send your mail: to your current
ISP's email address, to Yahoo, etc. That way, you could have all your mail
go to a new ISP when you change, and nobody would be the wiser. Using
Outlook Express, you just pick up the mail from your ISP (not from Bigfoot),
so as far as you and OE are concerned, there's no difference.

B R U C E  K L U T C H K O          klutch at erols.com

On 1/7/03 5:39 PM, "Jane Sprando" <janesprando at msn.com> wrote:

> Bruce, does Bigfoot work with Outlook Express?  Last summer I tried using
> mail2web (I think that's what the name was) to forward my email while I was
> on vacation. But Microsoft doesn't allow it!
> jane
>> From: Bruce Klutchko <klutch at erols.com>
>> Reply-To: "Home Macintosh Users List"<HomeMac at lists.themacintoshguy.com>
>> Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2003 09:57:06 -0500
>> To: "Home Macintosh Users List" <HomeMac at lists.themacintoshguy.com>
>> Subject: [HM] Re: email
>> One option is to use Bigfoot. They provide a "Bigfoot for life" free email
>> address. All it does is to forward your email to whichever email address you
>> are using at that time.
>> Of course, "Bigfoot" doesn't make a great impression for corporate use, but
>> it is fine for personal stuff.
>> -- 
>> Bruce
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