[HM] video cd burning

Paul Basker pmb73 at mac.com
Sat Jan 18 04:37:40 PST 2003

Hello Leo,

When you are using iMovie there is an export that you must do. 
File>Export Movie and choose something like Video-CD or something like 
that. It will create a quicktime file. When you do this, you'll then 
drag the Quicktime file to the toast icon. Then burn your CD. This is 
the only way I know how to make a video CD. I don't know any other way 
besides using iMovie.

On Wednesday, January 15, 2003, at 04:01 AM, Leo Frejrud wrote:

> hi,
> i need help burning video cds.
>  some of the MPEG:s i download works perfectly to burn in
> toast and later watch on my dvdplayer. but some files, in
> various sizes and found at different places, just won´t
> work.  this is what toast says when i try to drag and drop
> a file in the vcd window:
>  "files name" cannot be used to create a Video CD. Please
> use the  "video Cd" option in your MPEG
> encoder/multiplexer.
> what must I do?
> thanks, leo
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