[HM] Re: Apple CD Audio Player

Robert James Liptak robsongman at comcast.net
Tue Jan 28 00:33:49 PST 2003

on 1/27/2003 9:32 AM, Nevin Steindam at thenevin at ameritech.net wrote:

> Well, if you need the Apple CD Audio Player program, I can send it to you.
> However, I doubt that's your problem.  If the computer refuses to recognize
> the disc when you put it in, there's probably something wrong at the system
> level.
> Check your Extension Manager.  In addition to having an "Apple CD/DVD
> Driver" extension, I have one called "Foreign File Access" which allows the
> computer to recognize several non-Mac formats (including Audio CDs).  I've
> discovered before that if I disable this extension, my computer won't
> recognize any Audio CDs that are put in.
> (Disclaimer:  In on OS 8.6.  Can anyone verify that 9.x uses the same
> extentions?)
> If that extention is there and looks active, you will probably need to try
> reinstalling it or looking for Preferences to delete.  As a last resort,
> there's always the System re-install.
> Good luck.
> Nevin
>> I upgraded my OS to 9.2.2 last year, and have not had any occasion to listen
>> to a CD on my computer since. Now that I want to both listen and copy one,
>> my computer says the disc is unrecognizable. With OS9.0, I was able to both
>> listen and copy (in fact, I was able to both listen and copy the ones which
>> now won't work), so I will assume this is something that needs updated.
>> However, when I go to the Apple site, I can find nothing concerning Apple CD
>> Audio Player except that iTunes is now replacing it.
This might be off subject and I don't feel I truly have the answer. I
remember when I bought 'The Matrix' DVD back when before I upgraded from 8.1
to 8.5. And I remember you had to have that "Foreign Access File" added that
was not included. I thought 8.6 and epsecially 9.x and subsequent revisions
made this a thing of the past witha Audio CD being unrecognizable. This was
a common problem vack then but I have never had a problem playing any AUDIO
CD's in OS 9.x . I could be wrong though. I would definately check your
system extensions as Nevin suggested.               Rob

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