[HM] Re: Apple CD Audio Player

Linda Hoganson lindajeane at mac.com
Thu Jan 30 20:20:53 PST 2003

Hello Debbi. What version of Audio CD Access are you now, 
successfully, using please?  Mine is version 5.3.4 created in 2001, 
active in my extension folder. - Linda (with fingers crossed that 
your information will release my CD drive from its chains).

At 11:35 AM -0500 1/30/2003, Debbi Young wrote:
>Just an update -- I finally found the errant extension that was causing my
>problem: Audio CD Access. Duh.
>How do these things get themselves moved around from enabled to disabled? I
>know it had to have happened during the upgrade to 9.2.2, but I certainly
>didn't do it.
>Thank you again, especially Duane, for all your help.


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