> RE; also please look into road runner cable high speed,in my area an > ISP dial-up is $9.95 unlimited a month,AOL dial-up is $30, road runner > is $42 I wont call it perfect but its in the price range. > Jane, > I also have MSN on my new PC computer (got the free six months deal) - > and > have an email account, xxxx at msn.com. I'm planning on dumping MSN > after the 6 > months is over and probably staying with AOL (despite the horrible > spam which > even version 8.0 doesn't help). > My question is, would I be able to keep my .msn email account after > the six > months is over? Would I be able to reach it via hotmail or could I > set it up > with Outlook?? > Sorry I seem like such a greenhorn; all I have EVER used was AOL and > AOL > email, so this is all new for me. > The thing that bothers me about Outlook is that is is prone to getting > so > many viruses. > No one I know uses it for that reason. > Thanks, > Val >