Free Macs and stuff (Portland Oregon)

Jack Honeycutt jhoneycutt at
Wed Mar 5 10:57:19 PST 2003

I found out I have to move and I can not afford to move all my stuff.  So I 
am giving away a lot of my extra Mac stuff.  You need to come to my house 
in Portland and pick it up.  Only catch; you can't just go thought it and 
pick out that one SIMMS you have been looking for; if you want the stuff, 
you take all of it. *ALL*

This is most of what I have:

ZIP Drive (external SCSI) works great

external CD ROM drive (works great)

4 or 5 keyboards


memory of all kinds

cords of all kinds

Style Writer Printer (works great!)

Quadra 650 (worked before I pulled something from it; CPU or a HD, can't 

6 monitors (one is on the blink but I can't remember which one)

Power Mac 7200/90 works, but you need to go in and maybe add a CPU card or 
something; can't remember; it may work as it is)

Ram Doubler 2.0

Speed Doubler (same era)

many hard drives

Mac SE (refurbished; workers great!)

Mac LC

Mac LC2

many video, ethernet, and other cards

Most of the smaller stuff is in one box.  The rest is in the living 
room.  I'll help you load up your car.

First come first served.  Voice 503-283-0871 email: jhoneycutt at

Thanks Mac friends!

jack in Portland Oregon

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