[HM] Re: need imac advice ASAP!

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Thu May 1 14:04:43 PDT 2003

--- At Thu, 1 May 2003 20:15:10 +0100, Roy Preston wrote:

>>why do you want to boot into OS 9?
>Maybe, like me, she has software such as Fontographer which I use all 
>the time and which doesn't work in OSX?

Exactly. (My question was meant to be a real question.)

She needs to look at why she thinks she needs to boot into OS/9. If there
are real reasons that dont have alternatives for OS/X (and there are a
lot of them!) then buying a machine that still boots OS/9 is the correct

If she decides that she has no reason to look back and that everything is
in the future, then OS/X all the way.

FYI, there is a review in May 2003 MacAddict of FontLab 4.5.1 that runs
on OS X (10.1). It has upgrade pricing for owners of Fontagrapher.


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