[HM] Re: need imac advice ASAP!

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Fri May 2 10:35:16 PDT 2003

--- At Fri, 2 May 2003 13:13:08 -0500, J. Dobson wrote:

>I appreciate where you're coming from. I need to buy something new soon too.
>My dilemma is that of a limited budget, I can barely afford right now to buy
>a new computer (I need a notebook), but I can't afford to ALSO upgrade all
>my software, at the cost of what, an additional $500 - 1000(?)  if I go to
>Maybe I'm missing something in this technology upgrade or else lots of
>people have a lot of expendable income.

That's what all the software companies are counting on. :-)

However, they dont believe that you will pay _just_ to get OS X support.
Nearly all of them have added new features as well. So at least you get
something for your money.

>(I have a beige G3 desktop, but no CDRW  - thus would like to upgrade both
>the speed and the ability to write CD's.)

Umm, there are other options that are not nearly has expensive. The
reason to buy a desktop is that it is expandable and upgradable. If you
_need_ to go to a laptop then that's a different story. I change to a
laptop about 5 years ago and have never looked back.

However, your G3 is a lot of life left in it. You can upgrade the
processor to a G4 and higher speed. You can upgrade the video card to
something that Quartz Extreme will use and a CDRW is less than $50 and
there are lots to choose from (with rebates, I paid $29 for a 48X CDRW).


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