[HM] Re: Moving Internet explorer bookmarks

janesprando at comcast.net janesprando at comcast.net
Sat Jan 10 15:24:59 PST 2004

Where do I find the bookmarks for Internet Explorer 5.1?

>>> You don't need to move the application, just export the bookmarks. 
> Import/Export is either under the File menu or through the Preferences 
> panel (if memory serves me).
> You can save the file to somewhere on your network, to iDisk, or you 
> can email it as an attachment to yourself.  After installing IE to your 
> new Mac (or you can decide not to support Microsoft and choose an 
> alternate browser ;) ), open IE and Import your saved bookmarks.
> Jim
> On Saturday, January 10, 2004, at 03:51 PM, janesprando wrote:
> > I need to move Internet Explorer from my old G3 (9.2.2) to my iMac, 
> > which
> > boots up in OS X and 9.2.2.
> >
> > How do I do that and keep the bookmarks?

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