[HM] Toast Question

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Mon Jul 5 16:57:37 PDT 2004

--- At Sun, 4 Jul 2004 08:18:24 -0500, Greg McNeil wrote:

>I have question about Toast, my eMac and it's built in Super Drive and 
>my external QPS Firewire CD burner.
>I would like to copy from the QPS to the internal Super Drive because 
>of the faster burn speed, but while I can choose which drive will burn 
>the copy, when I select which drive will read the CD to be copied from 
>the list in Toast's main window it always reverts to having the read 
>from drive being the internal Super Drive.
>Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

Computers are funny things. People would never blame themselves if
something weird happens with their dishwasher or their car, but they
usually blame themselves if it's the computer?

How about buggy software? How about they just don't save that information?

Can you actually make the copy? If you can actually make the copy and
it's just reverting to the internal drive afterwards, then it's just
something Toast doesn't do (correctly?). 

Try filing a bug and updating to the latest version.


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