Newly reinstalled system

Sue Rodriguez Sue.Rodriguez at
Sat Jul 24 07:50:00 PDT 2004

My computer recently crashed and I had to reinstall all software.  I have a
G4 with dual processors.  I decided to upgrade to OS 10.3 and was using
9.2.2 until the program arrived.  I have several questions:

1 and 2) I loaded Microsoft Office 2001 on 9.2.2 and every time I try to
open any file (Word or Excel) by clicking on the file I get a message that
tells me that I cannot open the document because it requires that I use OS
X.  My questions are would it do any good to reinstall MS2001 now that I
have 10.3 installed, and if I do, do I need to unstall first?  I don't find
an uninstall file on the program disk.  Can this be done by discard all 2001

2) Now that I have installed 10.3, do I need to keep the file entitled
"Previous Systems" that appeared on the hard drive as a result of

I once threw away a Microsoft program I wasn't using and then I couldn't use
any MS programs because of the shared library.

I would appreciate any suggestions or information on this.


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