[HM] New printer suggestions?

George Booth gbooth at sport.rr.com
Wed May 19 17:30:37 PDT 2004

On May 19, 2004, at 7:13 PM, J. Dobson wrote:

>    My Epson C60 seems to be biting the dust. No matter how many 
> cleanings,
> it's still missing portions of some lines, etc.
>    This unit has always seemed to take an awful lot of ink, so am 
> wondering
> if I should be considering a different brand this time around?
>   Also, what are people's feelings about the printers with multiple 
> color
> refills?
>   Along the same line, any recommendations or warnings about non-Epson 
> toner
> refill sources?
> Thanks,
> Jackie
> I just bought an Epson RX500 and am quite pleased with it. It uses 
> separate color refills. I went to Office depot & had salesman print 
> off some stuff plus copy something on the copier and it was great 
> looking. I would say try different ones at store & see what pleases 
> you for noise, color & speed. I have used "ink4art.com" for my refills 
> & they seem good. George

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