[HM] Re: 2 machines, 2 different problems

Adam Bass abasscube at mac.com
Sat May 22 14:27:37 PDT 2004

OK John... you're not gonna like this solution. If TeeGate's suggestion 
didn't work, try to do an Archive and Install (I assume it's either 
Jaguar or Panther). Now if this doesn't work, as it didn't for me when 
I had the problem, you will have to do an Erase and Install. I did a 
Zero All Data in Disk Utility just to make sure that the problem would 
definitely get fixed.

When I had this problem and I did an archive and install, the strangest 
thing happened. Basically, after many tests I found out that creating a 
user only under a very specific name that I always use for my test user 
("Deh" as the full name and short name of "deh" if you must know). This 
user always kept default window size/position/etc, but any other user I 
created didn't. I even deleted this test user, and created another one 
with the same name, and that test user with the name "Deh" still 
worked. Apparently it was some really screwed up thing where only a 
user with this one name would work. Strangest problem I've ever had 
with OS X. Doing a Zero All Data and then reinstalling Panther fixed 

Hopefully either TeeGate's solution works or an Archive and Install 
will work so that you won't have to backup your stuff and erase your 

Good luck!


On May 22, 2004, at 2:57 PM, TeeGate wrote:

> John,
> On the second machine, try going to Users/username/Library/Preferences
> and deleting the com.apple.finder.plist file. If you want just move it
> to the desktop and after a restart if it does not solve the problem,
> just replace it.

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