[HM] setting up a small network

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Fri Jan 14 08:53:59 PST 2005

--- At Fri, 14 Jan 2005 08:40:49 +0000, michaelP wrote:

>Hi listers, wonder if anyone can guide me through setting up a tiny network
>of two identical macs (iMac G4 800MHz, running OS 9.2); probably need to use
>an ethernet cable... I want to be able to have each hard drive (including a
>firewire external one) available to each mac.

If all you want to do is connect two Macs and nothing else, then all you
need to do is connect them with an Ethernet cable. You don't need a
crossover cable or anything special. The Ethernet ports are auto-sensing
these days.

On one machine, go into the File Sharing control panel and turn on File
Sharing. When file sharing finishes starting up, you will be able to see
the IP address of that machine. 

Go to the other machine and use the Chooser to connect to AppleTalk.
Press the Server Address... button and type in the IP address of the
other machine. Log in to the other machine using the name and password
assigned to the other machine.

If you want to connect them in both directions (seems odd), just do the
same thing in reverse.

A faster solution is to put one machine into FireWire Target Disk Mode.
This effectively makes the machine a FireWire drive. It will then mount
as a FireWire drive on the other machine when connected to the FireWire
ports. Of course this disables one machine (because it's now a FireWire
drive), and connecting an additional FireWire drive (probably) requires a
FireWire hub.

Hope this helps,


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