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Howard Scudder scudderwh at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 28 10:43:35 PST 2005

Big Problems!

Im setting up a computer to make a disc image for net
installs to classroom computers.

Ok, I set up the computer (in X) with programs needed
for classrooms and also ran the installers for a few
educational CD-Roms (in 9).  I put the Icons on the
dock, defragmented, disc doc, and repaired
permissions.  Everything runs great.  The perfect
classroom computer!

Ok, heres the problem.  I go into accounts, to the
student user and place "Some Limits" (cannot modify
dock, etc..).  When I do this and click an icon for
one of the CDs it will not run.

Runs fine with no limits but when I apply "Some
Limits" cant run a CD.

The error message is "Failed to find resource file

Any Ideas?

Thanks, Howard Scudder

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