[HM] hummmmmm

michaelP michael at sandwich-de-sign.co.uk
Sat Nov 5 23:06:29 PST 2005

Hi Thom again, at the moment I cannot afford to do much, but crucial is that
I copy all my data and make sure of copies of all my applications, etc (this
I can do now); in the mean time, it's crucial (I'm a self-employed graphic
designer where the internet connection is vital to my survival) in case the
HD blows, to port over everything necessary to continue my dialup and
broadband internet connections, to another identical machine (a friend's who
is not yet internet connected, living in the same house and happy to help in
case of a crisis). Can you or anyone else please inform me of what files
exactly I need to copy to the other machine in order to set up the identical
internet system? Stuff like the TCP/IP control panel, Remote Access control
panel, etc.

thanks again


> Michael,
> It sure is something to be concerned about.  You need to make a backup
> and replace the hard drive if you have not already done so.  I don't
> remember, does your machine have a firewire port.  Most likely not.  If
> not, get an external USB drive and copy over all your data files, then
> replace the HD.
> If you can afford it, I would get a newer Mac, even a used one;
> preferably something running OSX.  That would be the most cost effective
> thing to do.
> Thom
> michaelP wrote:
>> hi folks
>> using:
>> *iMac G4 800Hz, OS 9.2.2, 384 Mb RAM, 40 Gb H/D (and a few years old)
>> *
>> prob:
>> recently, a few minutes after booting up I hear a humming whirring
>> sound that starts fairly softly but builds up over the next half hour
>> to quite an irritating and distracting racket; I presume this is the
>> hard drive or a fan? Another otherwise identical friend's iMac is as
>> quiet as a (silent) mouse. Is this something I should be concerned
>> about? And, if so, what can I do to repair or ameliorate it? Any thoughts?
>> thanks in anticipation
>> michaelP

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