[HM] making a slide show or sreen saver

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Thu Sep 21 11:01:27 PDT 2006

--- At Thu, 21 Sep 2006 17:05:01 +0000, janesprando at comcast.net wrote:

>I am trying to create a slide show of my own pictures to use as a screen
>Tech info: G4 iMac, 10.3.9
>What I did:
>1. made a copy of the pictures that I wanted ot be in the slide show;
>and cropped them
>2. opened System Preferences/Desk & Screen Saver/Screen Saver/Pictures
>and selected  my folder.
>3. Options: chose them all, including Crop Slides to fit on screen
>What happens:
>Some of the pictures are cut off at the top--- partial or no heads! So
>PhotoShop Elements, I resized the images. The pictures are still
>What am I missing here? How do you get the pictures to fit on the screen?

Heh, I hit that stupid option also. Turn off "Crop Slides to fit on
screen". Note that it says crop, not stretch. 

It's increasing the size of the slide so that it fits both across and up
and down. That means it'll cut off (crop) on or the other depending on
the orientation of the slide, unless the dimensions of the slide are an
exact multiple of the screen.

Silly option, not useful.


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