[MacDV] Re: Super 8 -> miniDV transfer

Jeff Fay jeff.fay at uaf.edu
Thu Dec 12 10:53:56 PST 2002

I've done this what I'd consider the "poor man's" way

1. set up your film projector to project on a screen
2. set up your DV camcorder on a tripod next to the projector
3. frame up the camcorder to capture the entire picture area of the 
screen - you may have to crop off a bit on the left and right as the 
aspect ratio of super 8 is different than video
4. start the camcorder recording
5. start the projector

you probably will have to set/lock the exposure on the camcorder and 
maybe also the white balance (probably incandescent)

I've had pretty good luck doing this. No, it's not perfect, but it does 

Jeff Fay
Media Services Technician
Cooperative Extension Service
College of Rural Alaska
University of Alaska Fairbanks
P.O. Box 756180
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6180

phone (907) 474-5349
fax (907) 474-5139
jeff.fay at uaf.edu

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