[MacDV] Re: Toast 5.0.2

Eric Phillips PHILLIE at wyeth.com
Thu Apr 3 09:05:03 PST 2003

Thanks for the info, I wasn't looking in the right place in iMovie3. I
tested the system last night and it exported my movie directly to


>>> winter at mac.com 03/31/03 05:33PM >>>

On Monday, March 31, 2003, at 03:28  PM, Eric Phillips wrote:

>  I thought I selected 3 since 2 was in the
> folder listed in the dialog box. The dialog box was an OS9 not an
> dialog box.

Since I recently had to wipe my  main drive and reinstall, I can run 
through what I did with regard to Toast and iMovie.

1) Installed iLife (which has iMovie 3).
2) Used Software Update to upgrade to the newest version of iMovie 3.
3) Installed Toast Titanium version 5.0, this was an OS X native 
4) Ran the update for Toast Titanium -also OS X native (no Classic 
4) Opened a project in iMovie 3 and looked for the VCD export -it 
wasn't there.
5) Restarted.
6) Opened the same project in iMovie 3 and looked for VCD export -it 
showed up now.

Just remember, there's another step in iMovie 3. You have to select 
Export, use Export to Quicktime, and select the "Expert" options and 
hit the Export button. When the "Save File" dialog box pops up, Toast 
VCD export will then show up as an option in a pull-down menu (sorry, 
my terminology for these options may be a little off, I'm in the middle

of an export so I can't double check them). In other words, it doesn't

show up as a "top level" option like it did in iMovie 2 -you have to 
select it in the Save dialog box.


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