[MacDV] Re: Duping from Tape or DVD

Mark M. Florida markflo at mac.com
Sat Apr 5 19:36:59 PST 2003

On 4/5/03 3:33 PM, "Charles Martin" <chasm at mac.com> wrote:

> AHA! Found it! DVDxDV is the name, it is specifically for taking the
> files off an iDVD-coded DVD and converting them back to either DV or
> other Quicktime format:
> http://macupdate.com/info.php/id/11026

Couple of things about this software (I've tried it):

1.  You *NEED* Apple's $20 MPEG-2 playback component for QuickTime 6

2.  (maybe most important)  This software is, unfortunately, not ready for
prime time -- it extracted the video ok (which you can do with just
QuickTime Player anyway), but choked when it came time to process the audio
(had to force quit the app)...  Maybe it will get worked out in the next
revision or so...

2 cents.

- Mark

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