[MacDV] Re: Error Type 10

Illovox Media illovox at oz.net
Mon Apr 7 01:48:48 PDT 2003

You might want to toss the launcher preference file, the general control
panel preference file and finder preference file as well, and if you want to
continue launching the launcher at startup, create a new launcher alias and
manually put it in the startup folder as well as rechecking launch launcher
at startup in the general control panel.  Then restart.  Just to be safe.

on 4/6/03 7:56 PM, Cari Machet at cvzel at yahoo.com wrote:

> i just had that error
> with booting up my computer
> it would crash right away
> but it had before it
> "launcher"
> so i knew that i needed to through out
> the launcher in my start up folder
> in my system folder
> does it say anything besides errror type 10?
> cari
> --- Spud0812 at aol.com wrote:
>> OK...I tried once again to open FCP3 and this
>> message appeared "Error Type
>> 10" and there was a little bomb in the box...so is
>> this terminal? What do I
>> do?
>> Thanks!

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