[MacDV] Targa 1000/2000 Pro cards on a Mac anyone?

Illovox Media illovox at oz.net
Sun Apr 20 14:37:07 PDT 2003

Any body have any experience playing with a 2000 on a Mac?

on 4/19/03 4:30 AM, Ken McNamara at conmara at grandcanyonhiker.com wrote:

> My first NLE was based on a Windoze system with a Targa 1000 Pro.  A
> surprisingly great combination.  I still have the editor - 133Mhz
> Pentium, 65MB of Ram, and striped SCSI 7200 RPM drives.  The Targa card
> could take in analog video (Hi8 res, maybe component) and compress it to
> a 5MB per second stream.  Very dependent on having a hard drive
> subsystem that could sock away 5MB per second without ANY glitches.  The
> striped NT351 drives in this box could do about 7 to 8 MB per second.
> The Targas had a proprietary file format that had to be converted to AVI
> (on the PC they had a file conversion program).  I think at one point in
> time they were supposed to run native in Premiere, but I don't ever
> remember seeing that - might have been in NT40 which I didn't upgrade
> to.   But even the AVI file requires their hardware to play (although
> there was a a British firm who produced a software codec).
> The famous 2GB AVI limit forced me to work the 60 minute project in 5
> minute chunks.
> When I was finished with the project I had to take it to a professional
> shop and have it edited together and output to Digabeta.  But it was
> rock solid and virtually no generation loss.
> The Hi8 output was too hot for the standard Hi8 equipment (a problem I
> never did figure out) but worked fine with the new Sony DV cameras.

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