[MacDV] Space required on Hard Drive for burning a DVD-R

Jim Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Sun Apr 20 23:02:16 PDT 2003

On Sunday, April 20, 2003, at 11:55  PM, JuanM wrote:

> Hello:
> i have burned a few DVD-R (both data and iMovies). It usually has been 
> pretty straight forward. The Movies have not gone beyond 20+/- minutes.
> This weekend I started a project which involves three DVDs, one that is 
> about 82 minutes long, another that is about 60 minutes long and the 
> last is about 45 minutes long.
> I did the short one first. My first challenge was to free up enough 
> space on my external firewire drives to accommodate the video in 
> iMovie. The next was the space needed for the DVD file. The last 
> challenge was space on the hard drive itself.
> So here are the questions: how much space do you need on a hard drive 
> to make a DVD?

You want to have 4-6 gigabyte free in any case per DVD.
And if you intend to keep the project live in iDVD I think  it needs to 
keep your rendered movies too.
> I know that as a rule of thumb, you need about 1G of space for each 5 
> minutes of iMovie length. How much time does that movie take when made 
> available on the DVD using iDVD?
plan on hours for it to render. If it takes less.... bonus!

>  Also, how much space is needed for the hard drive to handle the file?

4g per DVD + rendered movies.

I hope any of that is useful.

> Thanks
> juan

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