[MacDV] Re: Final Cut Pro question

David Thrasher idave at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 21 17:56:38 PDT 2003

I just want to be clear about what you are describing: Do these individual images in a folder go in Final Cut Pro as a series of slides or as an animation (each image becoming a single frame of a motion picture file). What I am interested in is creating animation using individual images as single frames and then incorporating them into a project combined into a clip.



Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 21:53:52 -0700
>Subject: [MacDV] Re: Final Cut Pro question
>From: sb 

>Just put the images in a folder and import the entire folder >into FCP.

>You can add them to the timeline at one go as well, in the same >order they appear in the folder. You can also bring them into >the timeline with a pre-determined transition between each >image. (The cross dissolve is the default transition, but you >can make any transition the default)

>Also, Final Cut Express is much less expensive than FCP, perhaps >it would be suitable for your purposes? You can always upgrade >to FCPro at a later date.

> sb

David Thrasher
5631 Ovid Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50310

e-mail: idave at earthlink.net
eBay name: daveindezmenez

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