[MacDV] Re: OT Webdesign

Donna B blktauna at shawstudios.com
Thu Aug 7 11:51:49 PDT 2003

on 8/7/03 1:18 PM, Steven Rogers at srogers1 at austin.rr.com scripsit:
> people used to say that about compilers - that they generated such bad
> assembly language.  In the end, who cares?
> SR

Well, when what it has generated doesn't load correctly in my browser, I

But we digress.

My Brother, My Captain, My King - Boromir
Good, Bad, ...I'm the guy with the gun...-Ash
People must learn to stop being insects - Thor

"looking forward to post-slaughter booze up" - Secret Diaries

blktauna at shawstudios.com
http://www.shawstudios.com - Gateway to The 5 Deadly Venoms and more!
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