[MacDV] Re: switching/query

Eric Phillips PHILLIE at wyeth.com
Mon Aug 11 09:37:24 PDT 2003

How did you get QT 6.3 and 5 to coexist on the same operating system. I
have QT Pro 5 on OS9 which runs in Classic no problem and QT6.3 in OSX.
To get both versions to run in OSX do you need to reinstall QT5 after
installing 6.3?


>>> Kunga at FutureMedia.org 08/11/03 12:24PM >>>
I don't understand what you mean by "DRAG OVER FROM THE iMAC". You are

supposed to download and install iMovie 3.0.3 from the Apple website. I

would not delete the 9 iMovie until you are CERTAIN iMovie 3.0.3 will 
work right for you.

Same with QT. Your 5 Pro number is no good for 6 Pro. You have to buy 
another number. You download and install QT 6.3 from the Apple website.

No, it won't touch QT 5. The coexist.

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