[MacDV] DVR-105 v. DVR-106

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Mon Aug 11 15:41:38 PDT 2003

NO. You will set both to Cable Select NOT Master Slave. I have the same 
MDD. This is explained in the manual. CABLE SELECT. Everything in MDDs 
is CABLE SELECT. DVR-105 on top. the 106 can write +R and +RW. But the 
Mac OS X won't support that capability and might not see it at all (I 
don't know). I would get the 105 at OfficeMax this week for only $150 
after $30 rebate. OS X fully supports it.

kunga10 (AIM)
kunga47 (Yahoo Messenger with Cross-Platform dial-up Video sans audio 
on Macs)

On Monday, August 11, 2003, at 01:05  PM, Erik Gilchrist wrote:

> I will be putting it in as Master in my Dual 867 and moving the combo 
> drive in there currently to slave or to another machine.

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