LCD screens for DV editing ?

Phil A. Lefebvre p-lefebvre at
Sat Aug 16 07:35:55 PDT 2003

>What do I need to know about DV editing before replacing my CRT monitor
>with an Apple Studio Display or a PowerBook?
>I've read that pros who do a lot of PhotoShop work should stick with a
>CRT. Is the same true for working with DV?

You've heard a lot about color, but that is from a Pro perspective. I 
am not a pro, and my stuff is purely for family consumption. What I 
found back then is still true today; all my various friends' and 
family's TVs are so different that color correction is not that 
important. Correct color on one will still be screwy color on 
another. Not to mention that a lot of family members are using PAL 
systems, vs. me on NTSC. Correct color is not nearly as important to 
my audience as heartfelt editing. If you're not a pro, the $$$$$ 
spent on a broadcast monitor (Go ahead, price one. I dare you not to 
have a heart attack!) would be better spent on something more 
generally useful to you (like a vacation worth videoing).

>Can you edit efficiently on a 12" PowerBook screen with iMovie? with
>FCExpress? Does the extra real estate of a 17" PowerBook screen 
>allow you to edit DV more efficiently than a 15" screen or the 12" 

For editing work, more is better. I have a 23" ACD LCD, a 17" Apple 
ColorSync CRT, and a 15" TV attached to my Power Mac G4. I keep the 
editing app on the LCD and love it. There's nothing like being able 
to see more timeline, more helper apps, more photos, etc to 
streamline work. While I have easily edited movies on my PowerBook's 
14" screen, I whip through projects with much greater ease and 
pleasure when I am at my "editing bay."

The one caveat about any large screen: don't strech the monitor 
windows out too much, or the video gets pixelated. When I used apps 
that had multiple windows (e.g. Premiere) I put the monitor windows 
on the TV, more out of convenience than desire for accuracy.
Phil Lefebvre
Chicago, IL

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