iMovie 3

Joan Keenan jkeenan at
Sun Feb 2 02:46:41 PST 2003

On Saturday, February 1, 2003, at 09:44  PM, <markglick at> 

> I have a TiPB 550MHz, 10.1.5, 256 ram.  I've been using iMovie 3 for
> about 2 hours.  The following issues never appeared in iMovie 2:
> importing from Sony TRV 20 is very clunky.  I get false starts with
> often only a second or two of import then it stops, a grey screen for
> some thumbnails, won't scan in fastforward only full speed fastforward.
> In clip view it will go to timeline view on it's own.
> There are very few operations that take place without a wait.  Almost
> everything happened instantaneously in iMovie 2 except for rendering.
> Is iMovie 3 that much more complex than iMovie 2?  It doesn't appear so
> to me.
> MarkGlick
I have a dual usb iBook & am also disappointed in the way it handles 
iMovie 3. Same setup I was using with a Sony TRV-120 & an external 
cobra firewire harddrive, just doesn't work very well at all.
I cannot drag clips to the trash consistently...they pop back out!
After importing some video, the camera just stopped playing when PLAY 
was clicked, either on the camera or using iMovie. It would rewind, but 
not play.
It is also very slooow.
While admittedly, I haven't played with it long enough to test 
everything...too frustrating!...I do have a couple of questions:
Has anyone used the stripe caption title? I don't get that nice 
gradient effect that was in iMovie2, although you do get to choose any 
color you want. Is there a way to get back the gradient?
When I imported a still from iPhoto, it immediately started to render 
it with a zoom this a feature???? suppose I wanted a 

I agree with another poster that it looks like it was made for the 
faster, newer machines.


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