Sound Effects cont'd

Gordon B. Alley galley at
Sun Feb 2 18:15:58 PST 2003


In UNIX (and therefore OS X) terminology, the tilde character (~) 
represents the user directory. In other words, ~ is sort of an alias 
for /Users/username, using your example. So when you see the tilde 
character, replace it with /Users/username, where "username" is the 
short name for the user in question.

Your examples assume that ~ represents the root level of the disk, 
which is incorrect.


On Sun, 2 Feb 2003 17:24:17 -0800, David <themixguy at> wrote:
>On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 02:18 PM, Macintosh Digital Video List
>>  10.2.3 volume->Users->your account name->Library->iMovie->Sound
>>  Effects->
>First of all, thanks to all for your patience in enduring my quest to
>get the sound effects thing working in iMovie3. I really AM computer
>literate, trust me! :)  But...
>I got two different path suggestions for putting the Sound Effects
>folder (which I had to create, there was no default folder there after
>downloading and installing iMovie 3 from the net).
>This one doesn't work for me:
>~/Library/iMovie/Sound Effects/Animals
>This one DOES work:
>~/Users/username/Library/iMovie/Sound Effects/Animals
>Within that "Sound Effects" folder, I created more folders with sound
>types ("Animals", "Aircraft", etc.) as was suggested. When I opened
>iMovie 3, VOILA! There they were! I had originally put a bunch of misc.
>sounds ALL in the "Sound Effects" folder and it wasn't working. They
>MUST be in sub-folders with names. Those sub-folder names will then
>show up alphabetically in iMovie under "IMovie Sound Effects", after
>"Skywalker Sound Effects" and "Standard Sound Effects", with your
>sounds grouped by  the sub-folder names: NICE!
>The only downside I can see to this arrangement is that other users on
>this computer will have to install and maintain similar or duplicate
>sound effect libraries. As the administrator of this computer, I was
>hoping to install and organzie ONE library for all to use. Would an
>alias in the other users Library/iMovie folders work to solve that or
>is that my OS 9 brain thinking?
>Thanks again to the list for your help!

Gordon Alley  <*>
<mailto:galley at>

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