8500 audio trouble.

R.A. Cantrell racan at flash.net
Mon Feb 3 07:00:07 PST 2003

            I'm building up (via swap) an 8500 for  making analog video
Quicktime movies  with a  Sharp  video cam. I have it set up (so far) thus:
4 hd's; 2 x 4.3 gig scsi SCA's with adapters installed in the bays( thanks
Jerry B.), and  a 27 gig and 40 IDE (thanks  Jamie  P.) running off a
tweaked ATA 66 card (thanks Jeff W.). The machine has OS X.1.3running  on
one  of the 4.3's (loaded via XPost Facto) and OS 9.1 on the other 4.3 and
the 27). OS X does not see the ATA card, so X is (for the moment) a
curiosity only. On the 27 gig I have Quicktime Pro 5 and Strata videoshop
4.5. I have a  LitOn 40x10x48 cd-rw in the machine( thanks Jamie P.) The
machine  has 768 mgs ram (thanks Bruce G and John McG.) I need  suggestions
for proceeding and I have a problem. The  problem  is that the  audio volume
is very low. It was  low  out of the 8x cd-rom that  the LiteOn cd-rw
replaced too. I have the main volume and the  Apple CD Audio Player volume
turned up. How do I problem shoot for a software problem? And how do I
problem shoot  for a hardware problem? (other than swap out the MoBo, which
I trying to make  a last resort).
All the best,
R.A. Cantrell

<racan at flash.net>

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