[MacDV] iMovie 3 & iMovie 2 Co-Exhist Beautifully

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Mon Feb 3 17:28:40 PST 2003

Well I just figured out that all the Title, Effects, Transitions and 
Audio files can be shared by both programs. You can't run them at the 
same time. But you can easily but you can certainly quit one and launch 
the other no problem.

I wonder why the "minute frame" slider displays every frame as it 
crawls across the scratch bar below the picture very smoothly in iMovie 
2 while the same slider jerks and leaps across the bar only showing 
every few seconds instead of every frame in iMovie 3. This has nothing 
to do with the coexistence of both versions.

But for those of you who have been afraid to try having them both on 
there, you should know they can both be installed. If you haven't done 
it yet, rename iMovie to iMovie 2 and put it in a folder for save 
keeping. I named my folder iMovie 2 as well. Then when you install 
iMovie 3 it won't write over the old version. Simply adds the new one.

I got all the new audio files, all the new free bonus effects and 
transitions from the Apple site. All the new stuff that iMovie 3 
installs works in iMovie 2 as well. The SHARE one set of all the 
various goodies. It is truly having the new and the old as well so we 
can experiment between the two.


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