[MacDV] Re: These miniDV cameras sure are fragile

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Wed Feb 5 04:43:33 PST 2003

You mean so the heads become accustomed to a particular brand's tape 
formula or what? Why?


On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 04:33  AM, Aixa Marquez wrote:

> They said to use any brand, as long as it's the same brand each time.  
> I brought it up here on this listserv and a lot of people seemed to 
> have learned this, as well.
> Dan
>> And what brand was that?
>> k
>> On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 06:42  PM, aixa at mac.com wrote:
>>> By the time we learned that we should use one brand, it was too late:
>>> we already had too much footage on several different brands.

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