[MacDV] Re: Edit iM3 file in iM2

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Thu Feb 6 16:30:07 PST 2003

(Piggybacking -- sorry)

At a minimum, get rid of these keys from your plist.

>  DefaultPanZoomDuration: %4.2f
>  Option AudibleAlertOnExportCompletion: %d
>  Option autoApplyPanZoomToImportedStills: %d

-- Erica

>On Thursday, February 6, 2003, at 02:09  PM, Kevin Ledgister wrote:
>>  Like so many, I couldn't wait for iMovie 3 (I was the first to post the
>>download availability to this list) but had to move back to iMovie 2 because
>>of performance issues (don't bother trying to address those, I already ran
>>macjanitor, etc. ad nauseum).
>>However, I opened up an iMovie2 file in iMovie 3 and adjusted the sound in a
>>couple spots and now that I went back to iMovie 2, it won't open up.
>>I went into the project file using TextEdit and changed the external setting
>>to 2.0 instead of 3.0 (which is what iMovie 2 uses) but then it lost the
>>application association.  I then ran a tiny utility I found that restored
>>the iMovie 2 association, but it still won't play.
>>Does anyone have any ideas???
>>Kevin Ledgister
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