Illovox Media illovox at oz.net
Fri Feb 7 04:39:32 PST 2003


on 2/7/03 4:30 AM, miltonv at mac.com at miltonv at mac.com wrote:

> Who is stopping you guys from posting? Stop wasting bandwidth on this
> topic and post helpful hints and comments instead.
> Milton
> On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 04:02 AM, Daniel Beck wrote:
>> On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 12:02 PM, Derek Raby wrote:
>>> before our mostly helpful buddy Kunga is cannonized into sainthood,
>>> let me just say I am enjoying the list being back to the equal
>>> opportunity vibe over the last couple of days.
>> I have to agree. Many of Kunga's posts are helpful, but the volume of
>> them should be cut back. This is not anything personal toward Kunga.
>> I've been on this list a long time, and there used to be more balance.
>> And there were plenty of people who could answer the questions were
>> asked.
>> A mailing list is a kind of community, and works best when all have
>> opportunity (whether they take it or not) to contribute.
> ----------
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