
Gordon B. Alley galley at texas.net
Sun Feb 9 22:11:04 PST 2003

On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 09:53:58 +0900, Daniel Beck <danielbeck at mac.com>  wrote:
>On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 07:41 AM, R. A. Cantrell wrote:
>>  Dumb  question, but when you guys use the term "optimize" a drive, is
>>  that
>>  just re-building  the directory with Disk Warrior?
>No. DiskWarrior rebuilds and writes an optimized directory. Optimizing
>or defragmenting the drive with an app like PlusOptimizer (included
>with DiskWarrior) rewrites the entire disk without fragmenatation. This
>helps both the performance of your drive, and adds to the life of it.

Then, to confuse the issue even more, there is the Optimization that 
is performed by some software package installers for OS X. I have a 
vague notion of what is going on, but I'll leave it to someone else 
to explain in detail. Basically, the optimization that is performed 
by installers performs prebinding with libraries and frameworks so 
that the apps will load faster. When you watch the progress of such 
installers, you'll notice that they spend time optimizing as the last 
stage of the installation.

Gordon Alley  <*>
<mailto:galley at texas.net>

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