[MacDV] Digital 8 to DVDsys

Mark O'Brien rmobrien at mac.com
Mon Feb 10 13:07:41 PST 2003

On 2/2/03 11:03 AM, "michael Vogt" <michael at wbsnet.org> wrote:

> Thanks for the replys
> Im sorry I have PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-105  and and my movies are on
> Digital 8 tape format. and I want to move them to DVDs to play on the
> home DVD players what software do i need to do this. iMovie or iDVD  or
> what ever you all use.

iMovie and iDVD together will do what you want, *if* you have the DVR-105
installed internally in a PowerMac G4.
Mark O'Brien
AIM: rmarkob

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