[MacDV] Re: CDs to use for VCDs

Ric Perrott writerric at mac.com
Mon Feb 10 21:58:38 PST 2003

On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 11:25  PM, Thubten Kunga wrote:

> There is no difference between music and data CD-Rs. It's just a 
> packaging gimmick to charge more.

This is absolutely false. If it were true you could just use data CDRs 
in a standalone CD recorder and not pay the extra $$ right? Well, you 

Music or Audio CDRs are watermarked and contain a flag that tells the 
standalone player that these are certified for use in that player. 
Typically, these discs use a better quality dye as well, resulting in 
better burns, especially at high speeds.

There certainly IS a difference between Audio and Data CDRs.

I've used verbatim blues with success many times. My advice as always 
is to stay far away from all things Memorex.
Ric Perrott
Writer, Poet, Pot-Stirrer
Visit http://www.ricperrott.com

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